The Butterfly Paintings

The Butterfly Paintings are works of art created by butterflies and Artificial Intelligence. Artist Most built an AI system that tracks the flight paths of butterflies in video footage. The system then creates new shapes and movies from the tracking results. The artist finally, curates the most interesting artworks. Watch the movie below to see the butterflies create art.

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Play the movie to see butterflies create art.

The artist about the artwork

"There was a time in which an artist used technology like a brush to create a painting. We’re in a phase now in which artists co-create with computer systems. There might be a future time, in which Artificially Intelligent systems create art about us without any interference. We would be mere subjects of the art by other entities in the outside world. The role left for us might just be, to give meaning to the art pieces with our imagination. This idea was one of the inspirations for me to start the butterfly project."

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Beast on a Leash - Art piece created by butterflies and AI. Real size 100 x 55 centimeters, photographic print on metal

Beast on a Leash - Art piece created by butterflies and AI. Real size 100 x 55 centimeters, photographic print on metal

The pieces are part of a project that was worked on since the beginning of 2018. What fascinates the artist about AI, is the thoughts it triggers about the differences between man, animal and machine. "The encounter with an AI system creating interesting art visuals or playing the game of Go brilliantly makes you realize our intelligence is not as unique as once thought. We’re living in an environment with other intelligent entities." The roles of technology, humanity and nature are starting to be rebalanced in current society, according to the artist. The rise of AI coincides with the collapse of an imaginary hierarchy in which humanity was at the top. A transformation is taking place to a new value system. Which is of the highest importance to deal with challenges like the climate crisis.

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Metamorphosis - Art piece created by butterflies and AI. Real size 100 x 55 centimeters, photographic print on metal

AI triggers a broad range of questions. Would for example a near human intelligent system be conscient or have a free will? It’s this richness in triggered thoughts the artist is passionate about. "AI is a mirror for the human self. At the same time the Butterfly Paintings are an experiment to reach a new level in creativity with AI. Current creative AI methods lack ultimate creative freedom. They create within the boundaries of the datasets they use. I decided to experiment with a new form of AI which combines rational AI input with irrationality, the inpredictable butterfly movements. More like human creativity is also a combination of thought and irrational emotions and passion."

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Newfound Freedom - Art piece created by butterflies and AI. Real size 100 x 55 centimeters, photographic print on metal

Newfound Freedom - Art piece created by butterflies and AI. Real size 100 x 55 centimeters, photographic print on metal

So what’s the role left for humans in relation to the Butterfly Paintings? The artist explains: "It’s our imagination that gives meaning to the artworks. At least to us. I liked the Beast-on-a-leash image as it keeps triggering questions. Some that gave me new insights: Who or what is this beast? And is it us, AI, or our illusion of freedom that’s keeping it on the leash?"

All pieces are realized as physical artworks. They’re photographic prints mounted on metal, size 100 x 55 centimeters.